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Heimdal Kerberos 5 PAC handling functions


KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_pac_get_buffer (krb5_context context, krb5_pac p, uint32_t type, krb5_data *data)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_pac_verify (krb5_context context, const krb5_pac pac, time_t authtime, krb5_const_principal principal, const krb5_keyblock *server, const krb5_keyblock *privsvr)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ krb5_pac_get_buffer()

KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_pac_get_buffer ( krb5_context  context,
krb5_pac  p,
uint32_t  type,
krb5_data *  data 

Get the PAC buffer of specific type from the pac.

contextKerberos 5 context.
pthe pac structure returned by krb5_pac_parse().
typetype of buffer to get
datareturn data, free with krb5_data_free().
Returns 0 to indicate success. Otherwise an kerberos et error code is returned, see krb5_get_error_message().

◆ krb5_pac_verify()

KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_pac_verify ( krb5_context  context,
const krb5_pac  pac,
time_t  authtime,
krb5_const_principal  principal,
const krb5_keyblock *  server,
const krb5_keyblock *  privsvr 

Verify the PAC.

contextKerberos 5 context.
pacthe pac structure returned by krb5_pac_parse().
authtimeThe time of the ticket the PAC belongs to.
principalthe principal to verify.
serverThe service key, most always be given.
privsvrThe KDC key, may be given.
Returns 0 to indicate success. Otherwise an kerberos et error code is returned, see krb5_get_error_message().

Generated on Tue Nov 15 2022 14:04:26 for Heimdal Kerberos 5 library by doxygen 1.9.1