*version5.txt* For Vim version 5.0j. Last modification: 1997 Jun 01 VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar [TODO] Welcome to Vim Version 5.0! This document lists the differences between Vim 4.x and Vim 5.0. See |vi_diff.txt| for a short overview. Although 5.0 is mentioned here, this is also for version 5.1, 5.2, etc.. INCOMPATIBLE: Default value for 'compatible' changed |compatible-changed| Text formatting command "Q" changed |Q-command-changed| NEW FEATURES: Syntax highlighting |new-highlighting| Built-in script language |new-script| ============================================================================== Default value for 'compatible' changed *compatible-changed* -------------------------------------- In version 4.x the default value for the 'compatible' option was off. Now that Vim version 5.0 tries to be more Vi compatible, the default is on. The first thing you will notice is that the "u" command undoes itself. If you prefer the non-compatible behaviour of Vim, add this line to your .vimrc file: :set nocompatible This is strongly recommended, because Vi has a lot of unexpected side effects, which are avoided by this setting. See 'compatible'. Text formatting command "Q" changed *Q-command-changed* ----------------------------------- The "Q" command was formerly used to format lines to the width given with the 'textwidth' option. This is now "gq" (see |gq| for more info). The reason why this change had to be made was that "Q" is the standard vi command to enter "Ex" mode, and Vim now does in fact have an "Ex" mode (see |Q| for more info). If you still want to use "Q" for formatting, use this mapping: :noremap Q gq Syntax highlighting *new-highlighting* ------------------- Built-in script language *new-script* ------------------------ vim:ts=8:sw=8:tw=78: