1 Introduction

Contents of this section

Tela is a numerical computing environment mainly targeted for numerical simulation pre- and postprocessing work. The language supports arbitrary rank arrays (hence the name, Tensor Language), and has powerful programming capabilities including F90 style vector notation.

The on-line help is intended to be the primary source of documentation. The command help ( help ) gives help of reserved words, intrinsic functions, standard functions, and user functions. The function docview() can be used to view the same documentation in plain ASCII form, in TeX DVI form, and in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) form. Right from the beginning you should be familiar with the help command, and learn to browse the HTML documentation. If you want a printed ``manual'', you can convert the DVI files into PostScript using the standard TeX tool dvips and print them.

The file you are now reading is the User's Guide. Other relevant document files include telahelp , telafuncs and telafuncsSectioned . The help ( help ) can retrieve the equivalent information.

(For Xmosaic viewers only: If the previous links do not work, you can try the universal links to the FMI/GEO WWW site: telahelp.html , telafuncs.html and telafuncsSectioned.html ).

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