% jtp_keys.txt % This file contains key remappings for NetHack - Falcon's Eye. % % Any commands that are not listed here will use the original NetHack % keys. See the NetHack documentation (guideboo.txt in the manual % directory) for explanations of what the keys mean in the original % configuration. % % The remapping format is: [command]=[new key], where % % [command] % The NetHack command that you want to assign a key to. % All configurable commands are listed in the examples below. % % [new key] % The new key that you want to use instead of the old one. % For example, [b] or [B] or [CTRL+b] or [META+B]. % The 'META' key is 'Alt' on PC systems. % Make sure that the new key is not already used for some % other command in the NetHack keymap. % % Lines starting with % are comments. Empty lines are ignored. % %---------------------------------------------------------------- % Movement %---------------------------------------------------------------- [north]=[9] [south]=[1] [west]=[7] [east]=[3] [northwest]=[8] [northeast]=[6] [southwest]=[4] [southeast]=[2] [move prefix: no fight/pickup]=[m] [move prefix: fight]=[F] [move prefix: far, no pickup]=[M] [move prefix: until interesting]=[g] [move prefix: until interesting nonfork]=[G] [up]=[<] [down]=[>] [sit down]=[META+s] [teleport]=[CTRL+t] %---------------------------------------------------------------- % Exploring %---------------------------------------------------------------- [close door]=[c] [open door]=[o] [look here]=[:] [search]=[s] [untrap]=[u] %---------------------------------------------------------------- % Getting items %---------------------------------------------------------------- [force lock]=[META+f] [pick up]=[,] [toggle autopickup]=[@] %---------------------------------------------------------------- % Browsing your inventory %---------------------------------------------------------------- [assign inventory letters]=[META+a] [count gold]=[$] [list inventory]=[i] [list partial inventory]=[I] [tell weapon]=[)] [tell armor]=[[] [tell rings]=[=] [tell amulet]=["] [tell tools]=[(] [tell equipment]=[*] %---------------------------------------------------------------- % Wearing and wielding items %---------------------------------------------------------------- [put on accessory]=[P] [select quiver]=[Q] [wear armor]=[W] [wield weapon]=[w] %---------------------------------------------------------------- % Using items %---------------------------------------------------------------- [apply]=[a] [dip object]=[META+d] [eat]=[e] [fire quiver]=[f] [invoke object]=[META+i] [offer object]=[META+o] [quaff]=[q] [read]=[r] [rub object]=[META+r] [throw]=[t] [zap wand]=[z] %---------------------------------------------------------------- % Getting rid of items %---------------------------------------------------------------- [remove accessory]=[R] [remove worn item]=[A] [take off armor]=[T] [drop]=[d] [drop several]=[D] %---------------------------------------------------------------- % Other actions %---------------------------------------------------------------- [cast spell]=[Z] [chat with monster]=[META+c] [engrave]=[E] [enhance weapon skill]=[META+e] [exchange weapon]=[x] [list spells]=[+] [monster ability]=[META+m] [pay bill]=[p] [pray]=[META+p] [rest]=[.] [turn undead]=[META+t] [two-weapon mode]=[META+2] [wipe face]=[META+w] [display role]=[CTRL+x] [name monster]=[C] [name object]=[N] %---------------------------------------------------------------- % Help commands %---------------------------------------------------------------- [help menu]=[?] [explain command]=[&] [explain onscreen symbol]=[;] [explain symbol]=[/] [explain trap]=[^] [list discovered objects]=[\] %---------------------------------------------------------------- % Miscellaneous commands %---------------------------------------------------------------- [quit game]=[META+q] [save game]=[S] [set options]=[O] [display version]=[v] [display extended version]=[META+v] [display history]=[V] [escape to shell]=[!] [previous message]=[CTRL+p] [suspend]=[CTRL+z] [redraw screen]=[CTRL+r] [explore mode]=[X] [prefix: extended command]=[#] [prefix: repeated command]=[n]