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fileutil::magic::cgen(n) 1.0 tcllib "file utilities"


fileutil::magic::cgen - Generator core for compiler of magic(5) files


  • package require Tcl 8.4
  • package require fileutil::magic::cgen ?1.0?
  • package require fileutil::magic::rt ?1.0?
  • package require struct::tree
  • package require struct::list


This package provides the generator backend for a compiler of magic(5) files into recognizers based on the fileutil::magic::rt recognizer runtime package. For the compiler frontend using this generator see the package fileutil::magic::cfront.


::fileutil::magic::cgen::2tree script

This command converts the recognizer specified by the script into a tree and returns the object command of that tree as its result. It uses the package struct::tree for the tree.

The script is in the format specified by magic(5).

::fileutil::magic::cgen::treedump tree

This command takes a tree as generated by ::fileutil::magic::cgen::2tree and returns a string encoding the tree for human consumption, to aid in debugging.

::fileutil::magic::cgen::treegen tree node

This command takes a tree as generated by ::fileutil::magic::cgen::2tree and returns a Tcl script, the recognizer for the file types represented by the sub-tree rooted at the node. The generated script makes extensive use of the commands provided by the recognizer runtime package fileutil::magic::rt to perform its duties.

Bugs, Ideas, Feedback

This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category fileutil :: magic of the Tcllib Trackers. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.

See Also

file(1), fileutil, magic(5)


Programming tools