3. ARP filtering

This section should be part of the "ghetto" which will include documentation on ip arp. There's nothing more to add here at the moment (low priority).

# ip arp help
Usage: ip arp [ list | flush ] [ RULE ]
       ip arp [ append | prepend | add | del | change | replace | test ] RULE
RULE := [ table TABLE_NAME ] [ pref NUMBER ] [ from PREFIX ] [ to PREFIX ]
           [ iif STRING ] [ oif STRING ] [ llfrom PREFIX ] [ llto PREFIX ]
           [ broadcasts ] [ unicasts ] [ ACTION ] [ ALTER ]
TABLE_NAME := [ input | forward | output ]
ACTION := [ deny | allow ]
ALTER := [ src IP ] [ llsrc LLADDR ] [ lldst LLADDR ]

The ip arp tool. Patches and code for the noarp route flag.

FIXME; add a few paragraphs on ip arp and the noarp flag.