2. Fixing Errors

2.1. Fixing Your Own Documents

If you find an error in your own document, please fix it and re-submit the document. If you do not have GitHub access, you can send an e-mail to with notification that you have changes and a volunteer will work with you to handle the change.

If you are using GitHub, you can commit your changes to your local repository and then generate a pull request to have it added to the central repository.

Remember to update the revision history at the top of the document.

2.2. Fixing Other Documents in the Collection

If you find an error in someone else's document please contact the author of the document with the correction. If you do not hear back from the author within a reasonable amount of time, please email the LDP coordinator at (subscription required) and describe the problem and how you think it needs to be fixed. If the license permits, you may be asked to make the change directly to the document. If the problems are serious, the document may be removed from the collection, or moved to the Unmaintained section.

Taking over unmaintained documentation

For more information on how to deal with unmaintained documents, please read: Unmaintained (includes a list of steps to take to take over ownership of unmaintained documents, and a list of unmaintained documents).