Chapter 6. Adding and removing a segment manager

Table of Contents

1. When to add a segment manager
2. Types of segment managers
2.1. DOS Segment Manager
2.2. GUID Partitioning Table (GPT) Segment Manager
2.3. S/390 Segment Manager
2.4. Cluster segment manager
2.5. BSD segment manager
2.6. MAC segment manager
2.7. BBR segment manager
3. Adding a segment manager to an existing disk
4. Adding a segment manager to a new disk
5. Example: add a segment manager
5.1. Using the EVMS GUI
5.2. Using Ncurses
5.3. Using the CLI
6. Removing a segment manager
7. Example: remove a segment manager
7.1. Using the EVMS GUI context sensitive menu
7.2. Using Ncurses
7.3. Using the CLI

This chapter discusses when to use a segment manager, what the different types of segment managers are, how to add a segment manager to a disk, and how to remove a segment manager.